Experiment that allows you to select mutants

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Reference no: EM132391173


1) Wild-type Salmonella typhimurium grows on minimal medium plates without addition of fatty acids. Fatty acid auxotrophs require supplementation with fatty acid (for example, oleate) for growth. Fatty acid auxotrophs are normally rare (less than 10-6 fatty acid auxotrophs are found in a population of S.typhimurium cells).

a. Design an experiment that allows you to select mutants that lack the ability to produce oleate.

b. The fact that fatty acid auxotrophs are normally rare becomes a problem in your experiment. How would you overcome this obstacle?

2) In order to identify new targets for antibiotics, a large collection of temperaturesensitive lethal mutations were isolated in Staphylococcus aureus. Design an experiment that allows you to select mutants that survive at 30°C but die at 43°C.

3) When grown on MacConkey-Lactose indicator plates, Lac+ strains of Escherichia coli form red colonies and Lac- strains of E.coli produce white colonies. How would you select Lac- strains of E.coli? Assume these mutants are rarely produced by spontaneous mutations.

4) Design an experiment that allows you to select E.coli proline auxotrophs that are also resistant to penicillin.

Reference no: EM132391173

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