Ethical issues related to data customer collection

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132396236

Now that the Crusin' Fusion website is up-and-running, you and your team have decided to run a contest on the blog asking customers to name the latest fusion recipe. In order to participate, the customer will need to enter first and last name, phone number, and an email address, as well as the suggested fusion name. The winner of the contest will receive a $20 gift card.

Kiran supports this idea but has concerns she wants the team to consider before moving forward. She has asked that you prepare a 6- to 10-slide presentation with speaker notes for the next web meeting to address the following:

1. Research and assess the ethical issues related to data customer collection and information management. How will customer information be protected?

2. Research and examine the need to protect the intellectual property of the customers who submit name suggestions. What protection will Cruisin' Fusion need in order to use the name suggested by the winner? What protection or disclaimer does the customer require?

3. Include a 1/2-page disclaimer to add to the blog for customers outlining the contest rules, explaining how their personal information will be used and stored, and discussing the use of all intellectual property submitted as part of the contest.

Attachment:- Transcript Cruisin Fusion.rar

Reference no: EM132396236

Questions Cloud

Introduce robust exception handling mechanism : Java was one of the first languages to introduce a robust exception handling mechanism. All Java exceptions can be categorized into two buckets:
About the company and computer infrastructure : who didn't identify themselves and asked a lot of questions about the company and its computer infrastructure
The scope of cloud computing audit for your business : The scope of a cloud computing audit for your business
Explain how you would reduce potential vulnerabilities : Explain how you would reduce potential vulnerabilities, protect against intrusion attempts, and better anticipate future threats.
Ethical issues related to data customer collection : Research and assess the ethical issues related to data customer collection and information management. How will customer information be protected?
What approach can you take to ensure ethical decision making : Why are organizations interested in fostering good business ethics? What approach can you take to ensure ethical decision making?
Needed for pavement and storm water management facilities : Identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.
Securing windows networks requires recognizing potential : Securing Windows networks requires recognizing potential vulnerabilities and selecting the best control to address that vulnerability
Academically reviewed articles on net neutrality : Read four (4) academically reviewed articles on Net Neutrality. Do you believe net neutrality will lead to IT efficiency? Why or why not?


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