Electric and pump services for professional to safety & heat

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Reference no: EM132411


Autopsies of two workers who collapsed and died while repairing a submersible pump in a storage tank at a Kennebunkport, Maine, reveals they were exposed to high levels of hydrogen sulphide gas. It is suspected that the men did not test the atmosphere before they entered the tank.

The coroner ruled that Winfield Studley and Richard Kemp, who were employed by Electric and Pump Services of Monmouth, Maine, died from "hydrogen sulphide toxicity in a confined space with terminal inhalation of sewage." Hydrogen sulphide is given off by bacteria present in sewage and exposure can quickly lead to unconsciousness and death.

The storage tank where the men were working is 9 feet below ground and approximately 4 feet high by 6 feet long by 5 feet wide. Neither man was wearing a respirator when the bodies were found.
As a consultant in occupational safety & health, you have been approached by Electric and Pump Services for professional advice. Using an Industrial Hygiene's approach, elaborate on the preventive steps that the company should have taken to avoid such a tragic work accident which occurred in Maine.

Your answer should include typical examples of confined spaces and associated risks when working in such places, health fitness of workers, factors to be considered in the use of respiratory protective devices, ventilation and gas detection, safe working procedures and emergency rescue plan.



Reference no: EM132411

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