Discuss problem related to standalone program

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131746730

Question: Explain the differences between a standalone PIC32 program and a program that is meant to be loaded with a bootloader. Which commands or functions must appear in a standalone program that are not needed in a program loaded by a bootloader? What differences are there in the linker scripts used by a standalone program and a program loaded by a bootloader?

Reference no: EM131746730

Questions Cloud

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Find the five-number summary for these data : The units are milligrams per liter of blood (mg/l). Here are the data from a random sample of 40 of these children:
Characterize deterrence prediction and mitigation : Research strategic response models for countering terrorist threats. Characterize deterrence, prediction, mitigation (i.e., preparation and protection).
Discuss problem related to standalone program : Explain the differences between a standalone PIC32 program and a program that is meant to be loaded with a bootloader.
What do you see as the number one sector for infiltration : What do you see as the number one sector for infiltration and why? What would be your top suggestion concerning your selected sector?
Calculate the future value of each option : Ben believes that the appropriate analysis is to calculate the future value of each option. How would you evaluate this statement?
What are the major psychological disorders : What are mood disorders? What causes them? What problems result when a person suffers high levels of anxiety - What are the major psychological disorders
Transform blood protein values : Transform blood protein values. Refer to the previous exercise. With strongly skewed distributions such as this, we frequently reduce the skewness.


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