Discuss about the cyberpunk fiction and film

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Reference no: EM131524484

Cyberpunk Fiction and Film

Instructions: For your midterm, I want to continue our practice of paragraph construction for the week. To these ends, please complete the following writing exercise. Please note, you are being asked to write only two paragraphs-this is not a request for a complete essay. However, we will be developing these paragraphs into Paper 2 over the coming week.

Paragraph 1: Begin your paragraph with the following topic sentence: "The environment of Gibson's Neuromanceris incessantly spoken of in terms of technology."

After this, build a well-developed paragraph of 8-10 sentences according to the MEAL structure-Eain Idea (which you already have in the topic sentence I have provided), Examples (find some good metaphors about technology-do not use the first sentence that describes the sky as a television [that's too easy], Analyze the examples you have given, and Link these back to the main idea of your paragraph.

Paragraph 2: Begin your paragraph with the following topic sentence, that follows directly from your argument in Paragraph 1: "Because of this constant intrusion of technology into all spaces of Neuromancer, this space feels like [insert your descriptor]"

In other words, in paragraph 2, you are making an argument about what the world of Neuromancerfeels like. What does it feel like for the characters? What does it feel like for the reader?

As mentioned in the discussion boards, I'm less interested in the very complex plot of the text and more interested in what the environment and setting of the novels means for the characters and readers.

Please note, you are free to argue many of the points and confusions already made in the discussion boards: Technology makes this space feel cold, or chaotic, etc.

Requirements: Quote at least twice in each paragraph and include a Works Cited entry. Be certain to proofread your work. Strive for grammatical perfection.

Remember, undocumented paraphrase (summarizing the work of another without giving credit) and of course cutting and pasting from online sources is plagiarism. If you have questions or concerns about this, don't hesitate to ask!

Reference no: EM131524484

Questions Cloud

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Discuss about the cyberpunk fiction and film : Discuss about the Cyberpunk Fiction and Film.What does it feel like for the characters? What does it feel like for the reader?
Describe relationship : When it comes to classes and objects I have heard and used many different ways to describe their relationship.
Identify the internal and external influence on organization : Identify the internal and external influences on the organization that may have caused the shift in leadership style. Be sure to explain your choices.
Knowledge in the past : How have you applied this knowledge in the past, or how do you think you will apply it in the future. Answer in a few sentences.
Should pierre be willing to increase the option offers : Pierre, a book broker, is about to sign a contract to buy the rights to a book about twin teenage computer-security sleuths titled Nan and Dan vs. the Monika.


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