Determine an annual salary based on reconciliation

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132479696

Identify an appropriate market rate of pay for your project job. Use the AB Wage Profile for one local source and choose another credible source as secondary support. Include the NOC Codes or job titles used from the AB site and a reference or citation for your secondary source.

State the annual wage for your position and why you believe this is an appropriate amount; don't forget to identify the number of hours worked per week.

Identifies the NOC title and NOC code used for the wage profile.

Provides wage salary survey from credible sources. One source is from ALTS, and the other from an industry or appropriate labour source.

Determine an annual salary based on reconciliation of internal and external validators and provides a rationale that makes sense.

Attachment:- annual

Reference no: EM132479696

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3/26/2020 2:46:13 AM

Executive Assistant I attached the file this assignment was done by my friend in the last semester he got 17 out of 20 in this. And I also attach a criteria file.

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