Desertification of a forest environment

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133234397

Darwin's Origin of Specieshe makes the case that evolution by natural selection is a gradual process that takes time to create significant changes in species. especially enough change to create new species. However, recent observations have suggested that certain evolutionary events have been quite rapid. All of the following scenarios could create rapid evolutionary change EXCEPT

A) The introduction of a CRISPR -Cas9 driver into an ecosystem leads to the altering of a mosquito species' genome, causing it to lose the ability to reproduce

B) the introduction of antibiotics serves as a selective marker, killing off sensitive microbes and leaving behind resistant ones.

C) A technologically advanced species develops the ability to control the environment, and they reproduce exclusively through cloning

D) Climate change results in the desertification of a forest environment over the course of 20 years

Reference no: EM133234397

Questions Cloud

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