Description of the problem

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Reference no: EM132577087

Capstone: Description of the Problem

Objective: An important part of your capstone project is a clear description of the problem that the CP is to address, and a clear description of a solution. Describe the Problem that the CP is to address and describe the solution. The problem and its solution should be developed in a way that the one informs the other. The two should be related in that the different components of the problem's description, such as demographics, people involved, political context, should inform the proposed solution. The description of the problem and its solution are a crucial part of the project. If it is substantially underdeveloped, the project will be returned for more work.


This section the student should elaborate on the statement of the problem presented in the introduction. Thoroughly describe the nature of the problem; including your rationale for believing the problem exists. Describe how the project will address the problem, and clearly state the goals and scope of the project. These goals must align with the literature review and the methodology. In the Description of the problem section student must designate and define the specific problem your project will address. Clearly state your goals for the project (what you hope to accomplish), describe the product or services you will provide (e.g., the creation or improvement of an educational tool), and discuss how the project is likely to benefit your profession, institution, or organization. Recommended length is ~1 page


1. Nature of the Problem: Include you rationale for the believing the problem exist.

2. Description: Designate and define how the project will address the problem.

3. Goal: and clearly state the goals and scope of the project. These goals must align with the literature review and the methodology.

4. Description and explanation of the product or services you will provide (e.g., the creation or improvement of an educational tool),

5. Discuss how the project is likely to benefit your profession, institution, or organization.

Reference no: EM132577087

Questions Cloud

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How would you expect this deal to be financed : If the deal is paid in cash, how much debt would the acquirer have to take in order to go through with this deal?
Description of the problem : An important part of your capstone project is a clear description of the problem that the CP is to address, and a clear description of a solution.
How general education courses influenced your ethical values : In preparing for this discussion, you should first review the Week Two required resources that focus on ethics and morals. You will examine your own development
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How would affect the nature : Mermaid Beach Hotel Ltd (Mermaid Hotel), How the information provided above would affect the nature, timing and extent of tests of controls.
Why scholarly sources should be used to support your writing : Address why scholarly sources should be used to support your writing on the selected topic. Support your claims with examples from required material(s).


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