Calculate the remuneration expense

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM132577091

An entity has a reporting date of 31 December. On 1 January 20X1 it grants 100 share options to each of its 500 employees. Each grant is conditional upon the employee working for the entity until 31 December 20X3. At the grant date the fair value of each share option is $15. During 20X1, 20 employees leave and the entity estimates that a total of 20% of the 500 employees will leave during the three-year period. During 20X2, a further 20 employees leave and the entity now estimates that only 15% of the original 500 employees will leave during the threeyear period. During 20X3, a further 10 employees leave.


Calculate the remuneration expense that will be recognised in each of the three years of the share-based payment scheme.

Reference no: EM132577091

Questions Cloud

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Calculate the remuneration expense : Calculate the remuneration expense that will be recognised in each of the three years of the share-based payment scheme.
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Describe one substantive test of detail : Price & Coopers, Describe one substantive test of detail that you would undertake for each account to address the assertion and risk identified.
How would you expect this deal to be financed : If the deal is paid in cash, how much debt would the acquirer have to take in order to go through with this deal?
Description of the problem : An important part of your capstone project is a clear description of the problem that the CP is to address, and a clear description of a solution.


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