Described can be reframed as analytics challenge

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132429451

One important aspect of data science is reframing business challenges as analytics challenges. Understanding this concept is necessary for understanding the application of the data analytics lifecycle.

Review this week's required reading. Construct an essay that incorporates the following information:

a. Briefly describe an industry that is of interest to you

b. Using your chosen industry as an example, describe a business challenge

c. Describe how the business challenge you described can be reframed as an analytics challenge.

Reference no: EM132429451

Questions Cloud

Discuss how you would foster team alignment : Discuss how you would foster team alignment and what you would align teams to. (150 words)
Drive organizational strategy and IS strategy : Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver?
Problem of economic gender inequality : What are some steps that might be taken to remedy the problem of economic gender inequality? 200-300 words,references, citations, no cover sheet
What accounts for severe and extensive poverty : What accounts for severe and extensive poverty throughout much of the world? 200-300 words, refernces, citations, no abstract, no cover sheet intro to Sociology
Described can be reframed as analytics challenge : Describe how the business challenge you described can be reframed as an analytics challenge.
Build and strengthen personal relationships : In this age of technology where teens know how to text but not spell; they can "LOL" and "SMH" but are unable to express their joys and frustrations in real wor
Prepared the general journal adjusting entry : The loan is to be repaid plus interest of 10% per year, on December 31, 20X2. Prepared the general journal adjusting entry
Prepare presentation-explains Internet infrastructure : Choose two countries (excluding the United States), and prepare a presentation that explains their basic Internet infrastructure.
Practice sessions for preparing for negotiations : What do you see as the greatest benefit from using simulations or practice sessions for preparing for negotiations?


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