Data classification and data handling

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131989013

"Data Classification and Data Handling" Please respond to the following:

  • Assess the main policy elements governing data classification and data handling in organizations to ensure that data remain protected at rest and in transit. Describe the methods that organizations can implement to ensure that data remains protected at rest and in transit.
  • Determine which areas of the data life cycle are the most challenging to control and explain why (i.e., creation, access, use, transmission, storage, physical transport, and destruction).

Reference no: EM131989013

Questions Cloud

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Describe the difference between an inner join : Describe the difference between an INNER JOIN, a RIGHT JOIN, and a LEFT JOIN. Provide a business example where you would want to use each type of join.
Data classification and data handling : Assess the main policy elements governing data classification and data handling in organizations to ensure that data remain protected at rest
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Research the elements of business : Analyzes the basic legal, social, and economic environment in which the organizations operate.
Variety of tasks of varying complexity on a data stream : An application is required to perform a variety of tasks of varying complexity on a data stream in parallel.


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