CTEC2905 Object Oriented Design Assignment

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132706484

CTEC2905 Object Oriented Design - De Montfort University

Learning outcome 1: Use Java to implement standard object-oriented designs given in UML.
Learning outcome 2: Design and develop trustworthy software in the context of an object-oriented language.

About this assessment

This assessment counts 100% towards your module mark. It takes the form of:
• A set of OO portfolio questions (weeks 7 - 9)
• An online practical test (week 15)

The portfolio work is provided during your routine lab exercises between weeks 7 - 9. The online test takes place during week 15.


The objective of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your ability to design and implement an OO system consisting of a set of Java classes. In particular:
1. To design and implement classes with suitable fields, constructors and routine methods.
2. To conform to the standard conventions of Java, and those taught on this module, and in doing so, write software that is of a Trustworthy nature.
3. To implement classes that are associated by delegation, composition, and aggregation, and the realisation of interface types.
4. To write a prescribed client application that uses your classes and to use JUnit Test Cases to evaluate your progress, and inform your development.

Portfolio work

The portfolio work aims to assess your understanding of the core topics covered during this module. There will be several lab exercise questions provided in weeks 7, 8, and 9, which contribute towards two overall portfolio case studies focussed around either a Player class or a Register class. The assessed questions will generally build upon work you have encountered during other lab questions during the module. It is therefore recommended that you attempt all lab exercise questions, both to assist your conceptual understanding, and to provide a basis for completing the portfolio work.

Javadoc comments

The Player and Register classes that will contribute towards your portfolio assessment should be fully documented with Javadoc, as per the module guidelines, and the quality of your comments will be assessed - see Assessment Criteria section of this document.

JUnit Test Cases

You will be provided with JUnit Test Cases containing a variety of unit tests, which will be used in part to mark your work (see Assessment Criteria).

In order to complete the assessed questions, you should primarily follow the UML class diagrams and lab question instructions, however, you will need to ensure that you use the same method signatures and return types as those specified in the unit tests in order to pass them. You can also read the messages in the assertion methods to gain a deeper understanding of the specific requirements of a given unit test.

You will not be able to pass all unit tests immediately. Taking Portfolio B as an example, in part B.1 you are given a variety of unit tests, however, not all of them will pass until you have completed each of part B.1, B.2 and B.3. You may therefore use the unit tests to gain ongoing feedback on your progress.

Attachment:- Portfolio Assessment.rar

Reference no: EM132706484

Questions Cloud

Major types of ionotropic glutamate receptors : What are the three major types of ionotropic glutamate receptors, and why were they given their specific names?
How do calculate the average days payable : How do calculate the average days payable (ADP) that was assumed when deriving the initial amount of EFN (i.e., $7,000) from the preliminary model.
How biotechnology is being used today : Take a deep dive into how biotechnology is being used today. There are a whole host of ways you can think about this week's discussion: global food supply
Find how many dollars of new funds are needed to finance : If sales grow by 20 percent next year, determine how many dollars of new funds are needed to finance the growth. (Do not round intermediate calculations.)
CTEC2905 Object Oriented Design Assignment : CTEC2905 Object Oriented Design Assignment Help and Solution, De Montfort University - Assessment Writing Service - Use Java to implement standard object
What environmental factors put people at risk for ncds : What environmental factors put people at risk for NCDs?
How does coco-cola leverages equity financing : How does Coco-Cola leverages equity financing at the international level and the impact this has on organizational decision making?
Discussion of universal human rights : Discussion of universal human rights and how they are relevant to the memoir. Examine racial and class disparities in relation to government and institutional.
Compute what is the amount of the annual payment : P at the end of every year for ten years at a nominal rate of interest of 10% compounded quarterly. What is the amount of the annual payment?


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