Critically evaluate the roles that hrm

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132888583

"The increasing interest in risk and crisis management has developed in response to a number of unexpected but devastating events that have presented serious threats to business continuity over the past 20 years. As most risks and crises have the potential for major ramifications for employees, the Human Resource Management (HRM) function has a key role to play in both the strategic design of relevant programmes as well as in the delivery of immediate assistance during and following any event (Cathy Sheehan, 2019)."

Based on the above quotation and your reading from the textbook:

(i) Critically evaluate the roles that HRM can assist in the design of an appropriate risk and crisis management.

(ii) Illustrate the roles of HRM evaluated in part (i) by applying to the current Covid-19 pandemic.

Reference no: EM132888583

Questions Cloud

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Critically evaluate the roles that hrm : (i) Critically evaluate the roles that HRM can assist in the design of an appropriate risk and crisis management.
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