Create a report with your proposed intervention

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM131784910

Assignment Details


Throughout the course, you have been completing discussion boards, learning activities, and assignments with the intention of utilizing those tools and knowledge to culminate a Final Project where you propose a health intervention, project, or program for your chosen health issue.

At this point, you have chosen a health theory (Unit 2), conducted a review of the recent literature and created an annotated bibliography (Unit 2), created goals and objectives for your program (Unit 4), and reflected and revised those goals to be culturally sensitive (Unit 6).

Now it is time to synthesize that information and create a 5-7-page report (excluding title page, reference pages, and appendices) with your proposed intervention.

Although you completed aspects of this project in other units, for this unit, you will imagine that this report is for your supervisor.

To this end, your report should be comprehensive and formatted as a professional deliverable. You may borrow content from previous assignments, but attempt to substantively revise and synthesize that information.

You will attach all your previous assignments (2, 4, and 6) as appendices to the end of your paper.

Provide proper APA style citation and referencing for all sources used to develop goals and objectives.

Reference no: EM131784910

Questions Cloud

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Modifying the computegrades sample program : How would you modify the ComputeGrades sample program if the formula for computing the course grade were different for freshman, sophomore, junior.
Design and write an implementation plan for returns process : Design and write an implementation plan for a returns process in this retail grocery business and in a food production, health care, or manufacturing business.
Create a report with your proposed intervention : Conducted a review of the recent literature and created an annotated bibliography (Unit 2), created goals and objectives for your program.
Prepare a schedule for cost of good manufactured : Prepare a schedule for Cost of Good Manufactured for 2010
Prepare a bank reconciliation : Cash balance according to the company's records at March 31, $15,866.00. Prepare a bank reconciliation
What effects did this have on family life : What effects did this have on family life? How has television viewing affected your own family life experiences and dynamics?
What is the purpose of cost accounting iss : What is supply chain? What is the purpose of supply chain management systems?What is the purpose of cost accounting ISs?


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