Create a four-function fraction calculator

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13215234

Create a four-function fraction calculator. Here are the formulas for the four arithmetic operations applied to fractions:

Math: calculator input = internal operation
Addition: a/b + c/d = (a*d + b*c) / (b*d)
Subtraction: a/b - c/d = (a*d - b*c) / (b*d)
Multiplication: a/b * c/d = (a*c) / (b*d)
Division: a/b / c/d = (a*d) / (b*c)

The left expression is the user input and the right expression actual overloaded math operation. The fractional number e.g. a/b, is represented by having the slash "/" sign in between the numerator and denominator number with NO space in between. The math operation is using the infix expression, e.g. x * y expression is written with the operator * in between the operand x and y.

The user should type the first fraction, an operator, and a second fraction. The program should then display the result and ask whether the user wants to continue.

Create the frac class with the following interface definition:

long num; //numerator
long den; //denomenator
frac() //constructor (no args)
{ num=0; den=1; }
frac(long d) //constructor (one arg)
{ num=d; den=1; }
frac(long n, long d) //constructor (two args)
{ num = n; den = d; }
frac operator = (frac&); // assignment operator
frac operator + (frac&); //arithmetic operators
frac operator - (frac&);
frac operator * (frac&);
frac operator / (frac&);
bool operator == (frac&); //logical operators
bool operator != (frac&);
void outputfrac(); //user interface functions
void inputfrac();
frac lowterms(frac&);

Also, make sure the frac class has the necessary mutators and accesors to support the application!

create the frac.cpp and complete the defition of all method functions,
use the sample code from the frac_oo.cpp ,
use overloaded operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Also overload the == and != comparison operators, and
use them to exit from the loop if the user enters 0/1, 0/1 for the values of the two input frac class numbers.

The finished application is required to apply the lowterms() function so that it returns the value of its argument reduced to lowest terms. This makes it more useful in the arithmetic functions, where it can be applied just before the answer is returned.

Starter Kit is provided to jump start your development.

frac_pp.cpp: an example procedural program with identical functionality.

frac_oo.cpp: an example code segment for main() application to interact with your class frac.

The user interface provided in the frac_oo.cpp is expecting the user to enter one infix +-*/ operation expression, i.e. x * y, or two operands with the operator in between. A white space is required between operand and operator.

User Interface Examples:

Enter fraction, operator, fraction
form 3/4 + 3/8 (or 0/1 + 0/1 to exit): 3/4 + 3/8
You have entered: 3/4 + 3/8

Enter fraction, operator, fraction
form 3/4 + 3/8 (or 0/1 + 0/1 to exit): 3/4 - 3/8
You have entered: 3/4 - 3/8

Enter fraction, operator, fraction
form 3/4 + 3/8 (or 0/1 + 0/1 to exit): 7/10 * 3/5
You have entered: 7/10 * 3/5

Enter fraction, operator, fraction
form 3/4 + 3/8 (or 0/1 + 0/1 to exit): 7/10 / 3/5
You have entered: 7/10 / 3/5
Submit For multiple files project, please zip all files in your assignment folder in a .zip file and submit this file to the dropbox here.

zip frac.cpp and frac.h in one file and submit to dropbox.

Universal Requirement all assignments for this course:
All submitted files shall contain the following information on top of the files (header of the C++, h file):

frac_pp.cpp is

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> // labs()
using namespace std;

struct frac{
int num;
int den;

frac inputfrac() { //input
char dummychar;
frac f;
while(1) {
cin >> f.num; //numerator
cin >> dummychar; //'/' character
cin >> f.den; //denominator
if(f.den != 0) break; //no problem, so exit loop
cout << "Denominator cannot be zero. Try again: ";
return f;

frac lowterms(frac a) { //arg reduced to lowest terms
frac t; //temporary fraction
long tlong, gcd;

t.num = labs(a.num); //use non-negative copies
t.den = labs(a.den);
if( t.num!=0 && t.den==0 ) //check for n/0
{ cout << "Illegal fraction: division by 0"; exit(1); }
else if( t.num==0 ) //check for 0/n
{ t.num=0; t.den = 1; return(t); }

//this 'while' loop finds the gcd of t.num and t.den
while(t.num != 0) {
if(t.num < t.den) //ensure numerator larger
{ tlong=t.num; t.num=t.den; t.den=tlong; }
t.num = t.num - t.den; //subtract them
gcd = t.den;
t.num = a.num / gcd; //divide both num and den by gcd
t.den = a.den / gcd; //to reduce frac to lowest terms
return t;

int main()
// frac f1, f2, fans;
frac f1, f2, fans;
char op;

do {
cout << "nEnter fraction, operator, fraction";
cout << "nform 3/4 + 3/8 (or 0/1 + 0/1 to exit): ";
f1 = inputfrac();
cin >> op;
f2 = inputfrac();

cout << "You have entered: " << f1.num << "/" << f1.den
<< " " << op << " " << f2.num << "/" << f2.den << endl;
switch(op) {
case '+':
fans.num = f1.num * f2.den + f2.num * f1.den;
fans.den = f1.den * f2.den;
case '-':
fans.num = f1.num * f2.den - f2.num * f1.den;
fans.den = f1.den * f2.den;
case '*':
fans.num = f1.num * f2.num;
fans.den = f1.den * f2.den;
case '/':
fans.num = f1.num * f2.den;
fans.den = f1.den * f1.num;
cout << "No such operator";
} //end switch

fans = lowterms(fans);

cout << fans.num << "/" << fans.den << endl;
} while( f1.num != 0 || f2.num != 0 );
cout << endl;
return 0;

frac_oo.cpp , is

int main()
frac f1, f2, fans;
char op;

do {
cout << "nEnter fraction, operator, fraction";
cout << "nform 3/4 + 3/8 (or 0/1 + 0/1 to exit): ";
cin >> op;
switch(op) {
case '+':
fans = f1 + f2;
case '-':
fans = f1 - f2;
case '*':
fans = f1 * f2;
case '/':
fans = f1 / f2;
cout << "No such operator";
} //end switch
} while( f1 != frac(0/1) || f2 != frac(0,1) );
cout << endl;
return 0;

frac__oo__starter.cpp is

// File: frac_oo.cpp
// Name:
// DVC ID: 1234567
// IDE: pocketcpp, or CodeBlock
// Please finish the missing method definitions for the frac class

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> // labs()

using namespace std;

class frac; // Forward Declaration

// Function Prototypes for Overloaded Stream Operators
ostream &operator << (ostream &, const frac &);
istream &operator >> (istream &, frac &);

class frac {
long num;
long den;

// constructors
frac() {
num = 0;
den = 1;

frac(long n, long d) {
num = n;
den = d;

frac(const frac &f) {
num = f.num;
den = f.den;

// accessors and mutators
long getNum() {return num;}
long getDen() {return den;}
void setNum(long n) {num = n;}
void setDen(long d) {den = d;}

// overload operator
frac operator=(const frac &f) {
num = f.num;
den = f.den;

// math operators
frac operator+(frac &f);
frac operator-(frac &f);
frac operator*(frac &f);
frac operator/(frac &f);

// logic operators
bool operator==(frac &f);
bool operator!=(frac f);

// auxiliary methods
frac inputfrac();
void outputfrac() {std::cout << ' ' << num << '/' << den << ' ';}
frac lowterms(frac &a);


frac frac::inputfrac() { //input
char dummychar;
while(1) {
cin >> num; //numerator
cin >> dummychar; //'/' character
cin >> den; //denominator
if(den != 0) break; //no problem, so exit loop
cout << "Denominator cannot be zero. Try again: ";

frac frac::lowterms(frac &a) { //arg reduced to lowest terms
frac t; //temporary fraction
long tlong, gcd;

t.num = labs(a.num); //use non-negative copies
t.den = labs(a.den);
if( t.num!=0 && t.den==0 ) //check for n/0
{ cout << "Illegal fraction: division by 0"; exit(1); }
else if( t.num==0 ) //check for 0/n
{ t.num=0; t.den = 1; return(t); }

//this 'while' loop finds the gcd of t.num and t.den
while(t.num != 0) {
if(t.num < t.den) //ensure numerator larger
{ tlong=t.num; t.num=t.den; t.den=tlong; }
t.num = t.num - t.den; //subtract them
gcd = t.den;
t.num = a.num / gcd; //divide both num and den by gcd
t.den = a.den / gcd; //to reduce frac to lowest terms
return t;

int main()
frac f1, f2, fans;
char op;

do {
cout << "nEnter fraction, operator, fraction";
cout << "nform 3/4 + 3/8 (or 0/1 + 0/1 to exit): ";
cin >> op;
switch(op) {
case '+':
fans = f1 + f2;
case '-':
fans = f1 - f2;
case '*':
fans = f1 * f2;
case '/':
fans = f1 / f2;

cout << "No such operator";
} //end switch
} while( f1 != frac(0,1) || f2 != frac(0,1) );
cout << endl;
return 0;


Reference no: EM13215234

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