Construct strategies that impact effectiveness-efficiency

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132980168

You have just taken on the role of District Manager for a new video conferencing company, UMG Learning Systems Organizations, Inc. (UMGLSO) that has a mission of providing meeting and conferencing services that promote system thinking in learning organizations. You have been asked by your boss to present to the board of a potentially large customer the way in which the company services can help to support Systems Thinking within a Learning Organization of the future.

-Taking into consideration what you have learned this term (Organizational Structure, Culture, Behavior, etc.) provide at least three strategies that would help the organization move toward the future.

-Construct strategies that impact effectiveness and efficiency.

-Discuss change strategies and identify which actions should be focused on first.

-Analyze and explain the relationship between structure and culture in decision-making.

-Include visuals from your final presentation to share with others in your post or include a short video.

-Use resources from this session and/or others and research-based articles from the online library to support your strategies and analysis.


Reference no: EM132980168

Questions Cloud

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Construct strategies that impact effectiveness-efficiency : You have just taken on the role of District Manager for a new video conferencing company, UMG Learning Systems Organizations, Inc. (UMGLSO) that has a mission o
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