Communicate with a pc using the rs232c serial protocol

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131967

In this lab we will use the UART0 peripheral to communicate with a PC using the RS232C serial protocol. We will continue using functions to encapsulate the low level details of the code to make programs more readable and make the code within the function reusable. All work is to be completed on your own. You may use the Tivaware examples in the C:\ti\TivaWare_C_Series-1.1\examples\boards\ek-tm4c123gxl directory, the class notes, and the book for reference, but please do not discuss this project with other students. You may use the functions provided in the example code segment discussed in class and included in the framework file posted to Angel as a starting point for your code. You may use the UART_Init, CheckForInputCharacter, UARTInputCharacter, and UARTOutputCharacter functions provided; you do not need to write your own functions for these operations.

You must submit a prelab showing reasonable effort to receive full credit for this lab.


The program will repeat the following steps:

1. Wait for a single character to be received on the serial port

2. Choose a response based on the character received:

a. If the character is an upper case letter, transmit the next letter in the alphabet (calculated with a simple math operation) to the serial port and turn on the green LED. For example, if the letter A is received, send the letter B to the serial port.

If the letter Z is received, send the letter A to the serial port.

b. If the character is a lower case letter, convert the letter to upper case (using a simple mask operation), send the letter to the serial port, and turn on the blue LED

c. If a character other than a letter is received, send an asterisk (*) to the serial port and flash the red LED at a 300 ms rate.

Reference no: EM131967

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