C programs hat print out the max, min, and the average value

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13167095

Write three C programs that print out the max, min, and the average values of the data file included below. Be sure to include the outputs of the programs in your solutions. Use three data file structures (counter, sentinel, and neither counter/sentinel). Also, draw three flowcharts for these three programs.

130.5 120 140
140.4 140.8 150.2
140 - 121 160.3
150 160.9 170
160.9 130.4 180
170 190.6 190
180 150.6 - 110.5
- 150 - 110 120.1
150.1 170.7 130
190 180 170 

Reference no: EM13167095

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