About creating good password security

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132910904

Learn About creating good password security. An IT Security consultant has made three primary recommendations regarding passwords:

Prohibit guessable passwords

such as common names, real words, numbers only

require special characters and a mix of caps, lower case and numbers in passwords

Reauthenticate before changing passwords

user must enter old pw before creating new one

Make authenticators unforgeable

do not allow email or user ID as password

Explaining each of these security recommendations. Do you agree or disagree with these recommendations. Would you change, add or delete any of these? Add additional criteria as you see necessary.

Reference no: EM132910904

Questions Cloud

Web server attacks : On "web server attacks" topic present a recent incident on that topic means Whatever topic you pick you need to connect it to a recent event
Learn about creating good password security : Learn About creating good password security. An IT Security consultant has made three primary recommendations regarding passwords:
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Maker of antivirus software : If the maker of antivirus software wants to be successful, the software has to be as close to bulletproof as the maker can possibly make it.
About creating good password security : Learn About creating good password security. An IT Security consultant has made three primary recommendations regarding passwords:
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