Recursive function, Data Structure & Algorithms

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The location of a node in a binary search tree is defined as a string such as LLRRL, which represents the node that you find by starting at the root, and traversing Left, traverse Left, traverse Right, traverse Right, and traverse Left.   Write a function to print a path to some target 'x' based on the direction from the root to the target.  For example, in the tree above, the path from 65 to 52 is LRR. Hint: use a stack to store the path.

161_Recursive function to determine if a binary tree.png

Write a recursive algorithm to count the number of right children in a binary search tree.

Write the method levelCount whose header is given below. Method levelCount returns the number of nodes on the specified level.

2396_Recursive function to determine if a binary tree1.png

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