Recursive binary search, Computer Engineering

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The implementation of a (non-recursive) binary search of an array. The assumption is that a given array is sorted. We want to see if a particular value, that we'll call the target value, is in that array and, if so, where. In a binary search one checks the value in the middle of the array, i.e., if there are N elements in the array, one checks if the element with index (int)N/2 matches the target. (Note that if there are an even number of elements in the array, there is no true mid-point. The element with an index of (int)N/2 has one more element "below" it than it does "above" it.) If the value in the middle of the array is less than the target, then the function searches the portion of the array that is above the current middle, i.e., the new array to be searched starts with the element above the current middle and there are N - (int)N/2 - 1 elements in that. If the value in the middle of the array is greater than the target, then the function searches the portion of the array that is below the current middle. In this case the new array to be search starts where the original array started but now it is considered to have N - (int)N/2 elements. When the function is given an array of one element and if there is no match, the function returns NULL. (Or, if there is nothing left to search, e.g., there are no more elements "above" the current mid-point of a two-element array, the function returns NULL.) If there is a match, the function returns the address of the element that matches the target. Write a function called bin search() that takes three arguments: an integer pointer, the number of elements, and the value to be searched for (the target value). As indicated above, if the target is found in the array, the function returns the address (i.e,. an integer pointer) where the target was found. If the value is not found, it returns NULL.

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