How the sodium-potassium pump present in the cell membrane, Biology

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How does the sodium-potassium pump present in the cell membrane work? What is the importance of this protein for the cell?

The sodium-potassium pump is the transport protein that controls the concentration gradient of these ions between the intra and the extracellular spaces. This protein is phosphorylated in each pumping cycle and then it pumps three sodium ions outside the cell and puts two potassium ions inwards. The phosphorylation is made by the binding of a phosphate give by one ATP molecule that then is changed into ADP (adenosine diphosphate).

The job of the sodium-potassium pump, also called as sodium-potassium ATPase, is fundamental to keep the characteristic negative electrical charge in the intracellular side of the membrane of the resting cell and to make adequate conditions of sodium and potassium concentrations inside and outside the cell to maintain the cellular metabolism.

Cell Membrane Review - Image Diversity: sodium-potassium pump


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