People with both excellent technical and communication skill

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM131117352 , Length: 1000 words

Essay or Video script: 1,100 words - 1,300 words 
This task relates to the concepts and information contained in the first six weekly lessons. While you will be studying more technically specific concepts in your other courses, the concepts in this course such as audience, context, the use of appropriate mediums, writing and speaking clearly, referencing and research are useful across all your studies.
Your assignment is to complete ONE of the following tasks (A or B):
(A) Write an essay on one of the following topics:

1. Why developing digital game-playing skills is an advantage for jobs involving hand-eye coordination, with specific reference to flight simulation/warcraft games. Assume this essay will be read by the CEO of a digital games design company.
2. Why the future will need people with both excellent technical and communication skills. Assume this essay will be read by the CEO of a telecommunication organisation.

(B) Write a 5-minute video script based on one of the following scenarios:

1. You are giving a Tedx talk on the use of interactive games as training for defence personnel. Assume your audience contains several game designers.
2. You are addressing a high school graduation ceremony on the topic of communication in the future. Assume your audience contains a balance of gender.

In both A and B options:
• You are to use at least FOUR sources in addition to the textbook and weekly lessons in your referencing of this assignment which should include journal articles accessed from the Library databases.
• Further details on this assessment and a criteria sheet are provided on the Moodle course website. Please review all assessment information before beginning this assignment.

Assignment Structure
Include a title page (include name and student number, course name and number, coordinator's name, assessment title and name, word length and due date).
The introduction is approximately 10 percent of the overall word count. In your introduction you should include the aim of the essay/script; the key points you will be discussing and your key argument. The argument in topic B2, for example, could be that a mixed-gender perception is critical in every future commercial enterprise. Remember that your conclusion will also need to connect and summarise whatever issues are raised in the introduction.
Each paragraph in the main body/discussion should have a topic sentence followed by information relating to that topic (do not have one and two sentence paragraphs as in journalistic style of writing as these do not allow you to expand on an argument).
References must be used in the body/discussion to back up your points/arguments. Use communication and business communication sources and access the Library databases for sources such as journal articles. The textbook has several useful sections on communication in its various aspects. Do not use Wikipedia and only use web pages that are authoritative - follow the CARS checklist below:
• C = is the website/source CREDIBLE? Does it make sense? Is it a place that usually provides unbiased/impartial information?
• A = is the website/source ACCURATE? Is it up to date? Are the statistics/data recent or relatively 'fresh'?
• R = is the website/source RELIABLE? Is it a place you can always count on to be correct and trustworthy?
• S = is the website/source SUBSTANTIATED? Do you know who wrote/designed/hosts it? Do you have a name you can check up on?
Access the Harvard Referencing Guide on how to correctly reference the assignment.
The conclusion is approximately 10 percent of the overall word count. In your conclusion you summarise the main points you have made in both your introduction and in the body of the assignment - avoid references to new information in the conclusion.
Include a reference list of sources cited in your assignment. Only put in the reference list those sources that have been used (cited). Remember, if you use any information from outside sources it must be referenced and cited in the reference list. Access the Harvard Referencing Guide on how to correctly format a reference list.

See here for an Essay writing booklet from the Academic Learning Centre and a sample essay from a previous term.

• Size 11 or 12 point font size depending on your choice of font which should be clear and unfussy.
• 1.5 line spacing.
• Extra line space between paragraphs.
• Page numbering begins on first page after title page.
• Do not use headings, bullet points or graphics (these are appropriate for reports but not essays).
• Use third person (do not use I, you, us, we, our). Say instead: 'This essay will discuss ... It has been suggested that ... it may be argued that ...'
• Do not use colloquial terms - slang words or informal expression; this is a formal piece of academic writing and needs to be treated as such.
• Do not use abbreviations or contractions (say 'for example', not 'e.g.'; say 'it will not' rather than 'it won't').
• Dictionary Australian English or British English (Macquarie or Oxford Australian).
Note: Make sure you answer the assessment task/topic and always check back to your topic. Make sure you answer all parts of the topic question. The title page, references and reference list are not included in the word count.

Reference no: EM131117352

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