What is the difference between the behaviors of lband lbu

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13698108

Question 1: What is the difference between the behaviors of lband lbu?

Question 2: The machine instructions generated from addi and andi both contain a 16 bit immediate.

This 16 bit immediate must be expanded to 32 bits before either operation can take place.

What is the difference in how the expansion is carried out?

Suppose the length and width of a rectangle is in r3 and r5 respectively.

Write these three code fragments related to the rectangle. Suppose the values to be computed will all fit in 32 bits. Use whatever temporary registers you need. I have given you more space than you need for each of these.

Question 3: Give a code fragment that would place the perimeter of the rectangle in r6.

Question 4: Give a code fragment that would place the area of the rectangle in r7.

Question 5: Give a code fragment that would place the square of the diagonal of the rectangle in r8. (Remember Pythagorus)

Question 6: Create an array of 10 halfwords containing the squares of the integers from 1 to 10.

Place the address of the starting of the array in register 6. One directive and one macro instruction.


Reference no: EM13698108

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