Identify each data structure in your business

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131395985


I. Identify each Data Structure in your business. (Example: you're running a trucking company. One Data Structure would be all the details about one driver including the types of trucks this driver is qualified to drive.) Remember to use the 3rd Normal Form!

II. For each Data Structure in your business, complete a copy of the Data Structure Form. Depending on your business, you could have two or more forms. The form provides spaces for you to list the following:

1. Business Rules listed, such as cardinality and modality rules, candidate key selection, etc., cover issues that pertain to the student's project.
2. In the Data Structure for each form, all Foreign Key fields have been entered.
3. The Data Structure for each form has a primary key, and all Primary Key fields have been designated with an underline.
4. The Data Structure for each form is designed to 3rd Normal Form.
5. All details for each Data Structure have been inserted as needed in the Table Structure, including Column Name, Data, Type, Allow Nulls, and Comments. (The correct data types were used for each field. Assumptions are specified for cardinality, modality, and referential integrity constraints as needed. Follows definition for referential integrity constraint.)

6. In the Physical Design Issues, entries have been made for data volume, data volatility, and additional considerations as these apply to the business for the project.

III. Zip your separate Word Data Structure forms into a single file before submitting.

Submit these files as a single zipped ".zip" file to the drop box below. For more information on zipped files please click the Technical Requirements link on the Resources tab.

Attachment:- Data_Structures_Frm.rar

Reference no: EM131395985

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