Design a flowchart using visual logic

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13804158

Assignment: Fran's Virtual Fruit Stand

Fran's Virtual Fruit Stand is an online store that sells several types of dried fruit. Based on the needs of Fran's Virtual Fruit stand, you must design a flowchart using Visual Logic. The flowchart must also be a fully functional program which follows the design requirements below.

Note: This program does not require the use of arrays. The program will prompt for data on a single item, process that data, display any relevant messages as described below, and then move on to the next item. Use the "console" option in the output command to display the output in a single window. Displaying the output can be accomplished with as few as three (3) variables that simply get overwritten each time the loop repeats.

Using Visual Logic, design a flowchart that is also a fully functional program. According to your design, the program must:

  1. Continually accept data regarding the purchase of fruit until a sentinel value is entered.
  2. Prompt the user for each item, and accept the name of the fruit (e.g., "dried apples"), the price per pound, and the number of pounds sold in a month.
  3. Display a clear message for items that are considered:
    1. Best-selling items
    2. Big-ticket items
    3. High-priced items
    4. Lowest-selling items
    5. High-income generating items
  4. Loop through all of the above steps until the user types the sentinel value when prompted. Display the sentinel value so that the user may ultimately be able to demonstrate an understanding of the way in which to end the program. Note: An acceptable message may read "Type n to end the program.", where "n" is the sentinel value.

Reference no: EM13804158

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