Define the class to implement the node of a linked list

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131218882

Question 1
A convenient and fast way to implement an associative container data structure is to use a ____.
A. linked list
B. binary search tree
C. priority queue

Question 2
In an array list the time complexity of the remove function is identical to the time complexity of the ____ function.
A. insert
B. isEmpty
C. isFull

Question 3
The algorithm ____ is used to find the elements in one range of elements that do not appear in another range of elements.
A. set_union
B. set_difference
C. set_join

Question 4
If we compare the push function of the stack with the insertFirst function for general lists, we see that the algorithms to implement these operations are similar.

Question 5
The ____ operation is used to add an element onto the stack.
A. push
B. pop
C. add

Question 6
From the binary search algorithm, it follows that every iteration of the while loop cuts the size of the search list by half.

Question 7
The order of the nodes in a linked list is determined by the data value stored in each node.

Question 8
Every call to a recursive function has its own code and its own set of ____ and local variables
A. headers
B. parameters
C. stack

Question 9
To simplify operations such as insert and delete, you can define the class to implement the node of a linked list as a struct.

Question 10
The term asymptotic means the study of the function f as n becomes larger and larger without bound.

Question 11
The ____ in a binary tree is the number of branches on the path from the root to the node.
A. size of a node
B. level of a node
C. depth of a node

Question 12
In the second form of ____, the binary operation op is applied to the elements in the range.
A. adjacent_find
B. adjacent_difference
C. adjacent_member

Question 13
The statement ____ declares intList to be a vector and the component type to be int
A. vector<int>intList;
B. int.vectorintList;
C. int.vectorintList;

Question 14
When an integer is subtracted from a pointer variable, the value of the pointer variable is decremented by the integer times half the size of the memory to which the pointer is pointing.


Question 15
Because an AVL tree is a binary search tree, the search algorithm for an AVL tree is the same as the search algorithm for a binary search tree.

Question 16
Random access iterators are ____ iterators that can randomly process elements of a container.
A. input
B. forward
C. bidirectional

Question 17
A(n) ____ is a data type that separates the logical properties from the implementation details.

A. public
B. abstract data type
C. private

Question 18
Building a linked list forward places the new item to be added at the beginning of the linked list.

Question 19
____ are systems in which queues of objects are waiting to be served by various servers
A. Queuing networks
B. Queuing systems
C. Holding systems

Question 20
Using static arrays, depending on the number of servers specified by the user, a list of servers is created during program execution.

Question 21
To speed up item insertion and deletion in a data set, use ____.
A. arrays
B. linked lists
C. classes

Question 22
If the data needs to be processed in a First In First Out (FIFO) manner, we typically use a(n) ____.
A. stack
B. queue
C. map

Question 23
A binary search can be performed only on ____.
A. ordered lists
B. comparable lists
C. unordered lists

Question 24
Class objects cannot be passed as parameters to functions or returned as function values.

Question 25
A queuing system only consists of queues of objects waiting to be served.

Question 26
A class and its members can be described graphically using a notation known as Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation.

Question 27
In a ____ queue, customers or jobs with higher priorities are pushed to the front of the queue.
A. structured
B. divided
C. priority

Question 28
The operation ____ is used to remove the top element from the stack.
A. pop
B. push
C. peek

Question 29
In 1736, Euler represented the Königsberg bridge problem as a graph, marking (as recorded) the birth of graph theory.

Question 30
A sequential search assumes that the data is in a particular order.

Question 31
The general case in a recursive function is the case for which the solution is obtained directly.

Question 32
Open addressing can be implemented in several ways.

Question 33
Every customer has a customer number, arrival time, waiting time, transaction time, and departure time.

Question 34
The expression vecCont.empty() empties the vector container of all elements.

Question 35
A B-tree can be ____ in three ways: inorder, preorder, and postorder.
A. copied
B. reversed
C. traversed

Question 36
The ____ operation on a queue returns the last element in the queue, but does not remove the element from the queue
A. front
B. back
C. pop
D. push

Question 37
A linked list in which the last node points to the first node is called a reverse linked list.

Question 38
A ____ is a set of elements of the same type in which the elements are added at one end.
A. hash table
B. tree
C. queue

Question 39
Assuming deq is a deque object, the expression deq.push_front(elem) deletes the first element from deq.

Question 40
The function that overloads any of the operators (), [], ->, or = for a class must be declared as a member of the class.

Question 41
The syntax for accessing a class (struct) member using the operator -> is ____.
A. pointerVariableName.classMemberName
B. pointerVariableName->classMemberName
C. &pointerVariableName.classMemberName

Question 42
complexity of the function seqSearch in an array list is O(n2).

Question 43
Mergesort uses the divide-and-conquer technique to sort a list.

Question 44
After inserting (or deleting) a node from an AVL tree, the resulting binary tree does not have to be an AVL tree.

Question 45
The ____ algorithm tries to extend a partial solution toward completion
A. backtracking
B. recursive
C. backordering

Question 46
Indirect recursion requires the same careful analysis as direct recursion.

Question 47
We need ____ pointers to build a linked list.
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five

Question 48
The destructor automatically executes when the class object goes out of ____.
A. scope
B. use
C. phase

Question 49
An ____ is an object that produces each element of a container, such as a linked list, one element at a time.
A. initiator
B. iterator
C. interpreter

Question 50
Assuming vecList is a vector container, the expression ____ deletes all elements from the container.
A. vecList.erase(position)
B. vecList.erase(beg, end)
C. vecList.clear()

Reference no: EM131218882

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