Complete the step process for designing dimensional models

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13216370

Requirement 1

Complete the 4 step process for designing dimensional models for each process you identify.

1. Business Process

2. Grain

3. Dimensions

4. Facts

Requirement 2

Create a data warehouse bus matrix

Requirement 3

Create a dimensional model (star schema) for each process you identify Align this with Requirement 1.

Additional Requirements/Notes

Identify all attnbutes for fact and dimension tables

To make your dimensional models mom readable/manageable. you can present the dimension tables individually first, and then when providing the star schema, present an abbreviated dimension with key fields only.
Clearly mark surrogate keys ISK), business keys (bKI and degenerate dimensions (DO) , role playing dimensions/dimension attributes (RP), and other important identifier, as discussed in

Identify the type of fact tables you are going to employ

Provide any assumptions on business requirements

Hand drawn diagrams are acceptable as long as they're neat and legible. Scan ynur hand drawn diagrams and submit to D2L.


Reference no: EM13216370

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