Symptoms and signs of diabetes mellitus, Biology

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Symptoms refer to the problems expressed by the patients. Signs are obtained by a health professional from the patients by interacting with him, by conducting tests, etc. The symptoms and signs of diabetes are mainly due to high sugar level in the blood and may manifest in the following ways:

Increased Urine (Polyuria)

When sugar is increased in the blood it is filtered from the body along with the water. This is the reason for frequent and increased urination. It is a very important symptom of diabetes.

Increased Thirst (Polydypsia)

As the patient is losing more water through excessive urination, the patient feels thirstier and tends to take more water. It is called polydypsia.

Increased Hunger (Polyphagia)

As patient is losing more sugar in the urine, he feels hungry very soon and tends to take more food. It is called as polyphagia.

Sudden Decrease in Weight

In Type 1 DM, the patient loses weight. Inspite of taking excessive food they keep losing weight. This requires attention of health professionals. This symptom is more noticeable in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus since, the pancreas stops making insulin, due to damage to insulin producing cells. The body looks for an energy source because the cells are not getting sugar (glucose). It starts breaking down muscle tissue and fat for energy. In type 2 diabetes mellitus, weight loss happens with increasing insulin resistance. Such weight loss is not easily noticeable.

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