Memory management by c program, C/C++ Programming

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Memory management by c program:

Write a program to memory management in c program

unsigned max( unsigned, unsigned );


int BaseMemBlocks::allocBlock( size_t sz )


    BlockList _FAR *temp = new( max(sz,blockSize) ) BlockList( curBlock-1 );

    if( temp == 0 )

        return 0;

    curBlock = temp+1;


    return 1;



void BaseMemBlocks::freeTo( unsigned term )


    PRECONDITION( blockCount >= term );

    while( blockCount > term )


        BlockList _FAR *temp = curBlock-1;

        curBlock = (temp->next)+1;

        delete temp;





void _FAR *MemStack::allocate( size_t sz )


    sz = max( 1, sz );

    if( sz > blockSize - curLoc )

        if( allocBlock( sz ) == 0 )

            return 0;


            curLoc = 0;

    void _FAR *temp = block() + curLoc;

    curLoc += sz;

    return temp;


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