Iret-loop-unconditional branch instruction-microprocessor, Assembly Language

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IRET : Return from ISR:-

When an interrupt service routine is called, before transferring control to it, the IP, CS  register and flag registers are stored in the stack to mention the location from where the execution is to be continued, after the ISR is executed. Hence, in the ending of each ISR, when IRET is executed, the values of IP, CS register and flags are retrieved from the stack to continue the execution of the main program. The stack is modified consequently.

Loop Unconditionally:-

This instruction executes the part of the program from the address or label mention in the instruction up to the loop instruction, CX number of  times. Following sequence describe the execution. On every iteration, register CX is decremented automatically. In other terms, this instruction implements JUMF IF NOT ZERO and DECREMENT COUNTER structure.


The execution proceeds in the sequence, after the loop is executed, CX number of times. Lf CX is already OOH, the execution continues in sequence. Flags are remaining unaffected by this instruction.


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