cell biology, Biology

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what is cell?

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What are the vascular bundles? How does configuration of the vascular bundles within the stem differentiate monocots from dicots? The Vascular bundles are segments of xylem and

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Explain the Diet and Feeding Patterns of infants? In this section, we will learn about diet and feeding patterns of infants and the pre- schoolers. The discussion has been sub-

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What is class polychetae - marine worms, What is Class Polychetae - Marine ...

What is Class Polychetae - Marine Worms? The polychaetes differ from the oligochaetes in several ways. The name itself suggests one of the differences. The prefix "poly" means

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Explain water Universal Solvent ? Water - Universal Solvent :  Water is usually referred to as the "universal solvent." because it is able to dissolve many different substan

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Define the Materials Used in Perforation Repair 1- Barrier material: Restorable barrier. UN Restorable barrier   2- Function of barriers: provide m

Spleen, SPLEEN Largest lymph gland, also with myeloid tissue is an i...

SPLEEN Largest lymph gland, also with myeloid tissue is an important specialized reticuloendothelial organ in vertebrates, as the site of erythropoiesis. Splenic tissue i

Explain theory for determination of fungal and yeast count, Explain the The...

Explain the Theory or Principle for Determination of Fungal and Yeast Count? Fungi are widespread and present on food, equipments and processing and storage facilities. These a

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How do you prevent food borne infection? Prevention of Food borne infections: Avoid consumption of contaminated foods and water Eat properly cooked foods Wash

Determine the uses of potassium, Determine the uses of Potassium Water ...

Determine the uses of Potassium Water soluble and exchangeable potassium is readily available to plants. This is extracted with Morgan reagent (10% sodium acetate in 3% acetic

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