Carbohydrates requirement during myocardial infarction, Biology

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Q. Carbohydrates requirement during myocardial infarction?

The protein intake generally remains the same as per the RDI i.e. 1.0 gm protein per kg body weight per day. Adequate amount of proteins are necessary to promote regeneration of the necrotic tissues in the myocardium, As we had mentioned earlier emphasis should be laid on plant proteins and low fat animal products (skimmed milk, low-fat paneer, chicken, fish and other marine foods).

Majority of MI patients are also hyperlipidemic and have elevated serum triglyceride levels. In such cases, the calorie contribution from fat should not be above 20% and the dietary cholesterol intake should remain below 200 mg per day.

Carbohydrates should provide 60% of the total energy. However, emphasis should be laid on the inclusion of easy-to-digest simple carbohydrates, which are low in fibre. Low fibre cereals, roots and tubers should be served in a soft well cooked/ blended form (purees etc.).

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