Build an intersection traffic light using the led, Electrical Engineering

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Build an intersection traffic light using the LED's as in the diagram below

1689_Build an intersection traffic light.png


Use the LED's on the trainer (port 11)

Main Street and Side Street alternate.

Main Street is green for 6 seconds, yellow for 2 seconds (Side Street is red while Main Street is green and yellow (8 seconds).

When Main Street is red, Side Street is green for 6 seconds, yellow for 2 seconds.


Bit D0 of the dip switch controls Day and Night. (port 12)

Day is a logic 0 on Bit D0 of the dip switch

Night is a logic 1 on Bit D0 of the dip switch

Main Street is green unless a car is detected on the Side Street.

Bit D1 of the dip switch controls a car on Side Street.

When Bit D1 toggles (changes from its previous state), a car is present on Side Street.


For the 2 and 6 second delay, use a ½ second loop program as the core subroutine.



416_Build an intersection traffic light 2.png




************ MAIN ROUTINE (PARTIAL) *************



Label           Nmem  Operand          Comments


start              LXI         SP XX,XX      ;set the stack

dmaingrn    CALL     maingrn         ;call main street green light, side red

                     CALL     6 sec delay

dmainyel     CALL     mainyel          ;call main street yellow light, side red      

                     CALL     2 sec delay

dsidegrn     CALL     sidegrn           ; call side street green light, main red etc.


nite              IN           $12                 ;check the dip switches

                     RAR                              ;rotate the day-nite bit in to the cy flag

                     JNC       maingrn         ;if 0, still day and goes to day routine,

                                                            ;if 1 falls through to "Call Main Greem"

                     CALL     maingrn         ;returns to "Car at Side Street"

                     IN           12                   



                     CC         mainyel          ;make main yellow

                     JMP       nite



********************** NIGHT SUBROUTINE ***********************



                     CALL     maingrn         ;make the main street green

                     IN           12                    ;check side street

                     RAR                              ;is lsb still a 1 (nite)


                     JC          mainyel          ;make main street yellow



********************* LIGHT SUBROUTINES **********************



Label           Nmem  Operand          Comments

maingrn      MVI A    %11011011   ; main green, side red

                     OUT       $11

                     CALL     6sec                ; the the 6 sec subroutine




******************************** 6 SEC DELAY*******************************************


Refer to the OPEN AND CLOSED LOOP and EXTENDING THE LOOP experiments.



******************************** 2 SEC DELAY*******************************************


Refer to the OPEN AND CLOSED LOOP and EXTENDING THE LOOP experiments.


Use the following memory locations for each subroutine:


MAIN ROUTINE                           $8000            

MAIN GREEN                              $8100            

MAIN YELLOW                            $8200

SIDE GREEN                              $8300

SIDE YELLOW                            $8400

6 SECOND DELAY                      $8500

2 SECOND DELAY                      $8600

HALF SECOND DELAY                 $8700                        


Put the MAIN ROUTINE on a separate listing sheet label it MAIN ROUTINE.

Put the MAIN GREEN, MAIN YELLOW on separate listing sheet label it, MAIN GREEN AND YELLOW.

Put the SIDE GREEN and SIDE YELLOW on a separate listing sheet, label it SIDE GREEN AND YELLOW.

Put the HALF SECOND DELAY on a separate listing sheet, label it HALF SECOND DALAY.

Put the 6 and 2 SECOND DELAY routines on a separate listing sheet, label it 2 AND SECOND DELAYS.

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