Writing the recruiting adds

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Reference no: EM1330372

_______ set guidelines for how the company writes its recruiting ads, what questions its job interviewers ask, and how it selects candidates for training programs or evaluates its managers.

a) equal employment laws
b) occupational safety and health laws
c) labor laws
d) advertising regulations


Reference no: EM1330372

Questions Cloud

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The major components of an external analysis : What are the major components of an external analysis and why is each important in developing and implementing strategy.
Explain differentiate between ebusiness and ecommerce : Explain Why would we even care to differentiate between ebusiness and ecommerce
Writing the recruiting adds : How it selects candidates for training programs or evaluates its managers.
Discussing negotiation in possible solution for all parties : Discuss a negotiation that did not result in the best possible solution for all parties.
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Retirement annuity problem : Suppose that she can obtain a 9% average return on her deposits and on her funds accumulated on her retirement plan.


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