Write a program that allows the user to play

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132084632


Write a program that allows the user to play a "Choose Your Own Adventure" game. In this game the user will be prompted with making decisions, which will then lead them to different paths with different results.


There must be at least 9 different endings.

To get to each of those 3 endings there must be at least 3 decisions the player has to make to lead you to the end

There may be shorter endings that only have one or two decisions to reach

There must be at least one example of:

Numeric comparison, such as equals to, less than etc.

String comparison

A compound Boolean expression

These do not have to be a part of reaching each ending they just have to be in there somewhere

Be creative!

Reference no: EM132084632

Questions Cloud

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Write a program that allows the user to play : Write a program that allows the user to play a "Choose Your Own Adventure" game. In this game the user will be prompted with making decisions.
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Negative aspects of the napoleonic years : There were many positive and negative aspects of the"Napoleonic years"of the French Revolution


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