Write a university grading system in java

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13244

Task 1

University grading system maintains number of tables to store, retrieve and manipulate student marks. These tables reside in a centrally or locally located server known as 'database server'. 'Student_marks_ITC000' is one of the tables which contains following information for all the students enrolled for ITC000: 'Student ID', 'Student Name', 'Marks obtained in Assignment 1', 'Marks obtained in Assignment 2', 'Marks obtained in Assignment 3' and 'Marks obtained in Final'. A sample of the table may look like as follows:

Student ID


















Write a JAVA program that would perform following tasks:

  • Create Table: Create a table that is capable to store above information.
  • Insert Record: If the user of your program wants to insert a record, your program should ask for all the fields of the record and insert them in the table.
  • Search: The user of your program should be able to search a particular record by ID.
  • Calculate final score: Take a student's ID as input and displays his/her score in each item.

Task 2

Write a JAVA program that would simulate a number of cars' (e.g. 4) speed meter using the concept of Multithreading. A car's speed can be both increased and decreased using specified keys from the keyboard. The speed of all the cars should be displayed on the screen both in text format and graphically simultaneously.

Reference no: EM13244

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