Write a film analysis about the movie the hunting ground

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131591122

Assignment: Film Analysis

Write a 2 pages film analysis about the movie The Hunting Ground (on Netflex).

Film Analysis Paper

Length: 2 pages

Requirements: The paper must be typed, double spaced, 12 font, one inch margins all around. Acceptable college level of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and spelling is to be utilized. The paper is to be written in essay format and to follow logical organization. Be sure to edit your paper carefully before turning it in.

Directions: After viewing the Hunting Ground, answer the following questions using mainly the information we discussed in class regarding different types of inherency. Demonstrate your comprehension about building an effective argument by first, persuading the reader that there is a problem, then by clearly explaining a solution to that problem and lastly by motivating action to be taken to solve the problem.

1. What is the problem?
2. Who and/or what is to blame for this problem?
3. How can we solve this problem?

While citations are not required, remember to include them if you use them! And provide specific scene examples when you refer to the documentary.

Reference no: EM131591122

Questions Cloud

Temperature of the cold reservoir : The efficiency of a Carnot engine is e=1-Tc/TH, where Tc is a temperature of the cold reservoir and TH is a temperature of the hot reservoir.
What elements impede the completion of the judicial process : what elements of the system do you feel work well or impede the completion of the judicial process
What is it about the family''s struggles keeps them together : Explain What is it about the family's struggles keeps them together? How is the relevant overall? Is this a topic that can be represented through films imagery?
Discuss united states actively employs the death penalty : explain the fact that the United 'States is one of the few nations in the world that actively employs the death penalty
Write a film analysis about the movie the hunting ground : Write a 2 pages film analysis about the movie The Hunting Ground (on Netflex). Demonstrate your comprehension about building an effective argument by first.
Discuss world trend away from capital punishment : There is a clear world trend away from capital punishment. What do you see as the most important reasons for this trend
Discuss how and to what extent the article informs public : Discuss how and to what extent the article informs the public about the role of the criminal justice system in relation to policing and the courts
Refractive index of water : Determine the speed of light in water given that the speed of light in air is 3.0 x 10^8 ms-1 and the refractive index of water is 1.33
Provide a summary of your advertisement : You will need to provide a summary of your Advertisement. In other words, describe in words the image(s) in your ad. This should be your first body paragraph.


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