Write a brief summary on the topic of product

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM131801811 , Length: word count:300

Principles of Marketing ASSIGNMENT: PRODUCT - Current Marketing News


1. Find at least one current (one year or less) periodical article (magazines, newspapers and online) on the topic of PRODUCT.

2.  Read the article, document the source, and write a brief summary using the format below. You should be able to relate a topic or section of chapters 8 & 9.  Just state the topic and page number(s) from the text. 

3.  Read all postings.  Reply to at least two other students' postings.

FORMAT:   Marketing - Product News

A. Title of Article:

B. Reference:  Use APA format

C. Topic and textbook page(s): 

D. Summary of the main topic. (one paragraph)

Resource - Textbook: Essentials of Marketing - A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach.

Chapter 8 - Elements of Product Planning for Goods and Services.

Chapter 9 - Product Management and New-Product Development.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131801811

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Write a Review

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