Why companies must consider legal and ethical issues

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131841715

International Marketing

Review the video, Dixon, P. (Speaker). (2011). Future of marketing, mobile, multichannel, digital brains, technology - Marketing keynote speaker [Video file][04 min 22 sec].

•Describe your understanding of the impact of technology's evolution on marketing research. Now that companies can track consumers' Internet usage and/or geographical location in pursuit of marketing data, are companies moving too quickly and violating personal privacy rights to market their products? Explain your reason(s).

•Identify and explain at least two reasons why companies must consider legal and ethical issues when collecting research data to market their products internationally.

Reference no: EM131841715

Questions Cloud

How can international transactions take place : In particular, how can a company ship products with only a promise of payment and how can a company pay for goods before the products are received?
Advice for a successful communication program : What is most likely your peer's advice for a successful communication program?
Give an efficient algorithm for computing the diameter of t : The time delay of a long-distance call can be determined by multiplying a small fixed constant. Give an efficient algorithm for computing the diameter of T.
How are international economic and political risks different : How are international economic and political risks different and how are the similar or related to each other? How should firms approach dealing with these risk
Why companies must consider legal and ethical issues : Identify and explain at least two reasons why companies must consider legal and ethical issues when collecting research data to market their products .
Design an efficient algorithm that computes a center of t : Design an efficient algorithm that computes a center of T. Is the center unique? If not, how many distinct centers can a free tree have?
What relates the internet of things to data mining : The Internet of Things (IoT) and its relevant technologies can seamlessly integrate classical networks with networked instruments and devices.
Describe how to implement the collection e : Describe how to implement the collection E to support O(log n)-time performance for the areAdjacent method. How are you implementing the method in this case?
What about the portion on completion : Would you want your payment in dollars or yuan/renminbi for today's portion? What about the portion on completion? Why?


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