Advice for a successful communication program

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Reference no: EM131841718

1) You work for a utility company that is building a biomass plant in the community. Your employer asks you to give a series of community talks about the plant and future operations. You visit the plant several hours before you are due to give a speech that has been prepared by your immediate supervisor. During the tour of the plant, you discover several claims in the speech are not true. What do you do?

  1. Write and deliver a new speech that you know is entirely correct.
  2. Cancel all speeches until you and your supervisor can get the information straight.
  3. Deliver the speech as prepared and discuss the inaccuracies with your supervisor afterward.
  4. Address the inaccuracies with your supervisor immediately and make the necessary corrections before giving the speech.

2) You seek the counsel of one of your peers who designed and implemented a communication program that resulted in the successful permitting of an automotive recycling center, despite strong opposition from community organizations. You have to design a program to win approval for a similar project proposed by your company. Your peer gives you a brief piece of advice that succinctly describes the foundation of his successful program.

What is most likely your peer's advice for a successful communication program?

  1. Solve their problems
  2. Kill them with kindness
  3. Expose them to ridicule
  4. Overwhelm them with facts

Reference no: EM131841718

Questions Cloud

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How can international transactions take place : In particular, how can a company ship products with only a promise of payment and how can a company pay for goods before the products are received?
Advice for a successful communication program : What is most likely your peer's advice for a successful communication program?
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Why companies must consider legal and ethical issues : Identify and explain at least two reasons why companies must consider legal and ethical issues when collecting research data to market their products .
Design an efficient algorithm that computes a center of t : Design an efficient algorithm that computes a center of T. Is the center unique? If not, how many distinct centers can a free tree have?


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