What would be the position of marxists on the issue

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Reference no: EM132836388

It is often argued that American society is a meritocracy in which every individual has an equal opportunity to succeed. From this perspective, those individuals who have talent and work hard end up in higher social classes; those individuals without much talent and who don't work hard end up in the lower social classes. Each generation has a new chance to succeed, regardless of how well its parents did. The merit of individuals, then, would explain why society is unequal.

Question 1: Basing yourself on the sociological arguments, data, and evidence we have studied so far this semester (not your personal opinions or experience), make an argument as to whether (or not)--or to what extent--our society is, indeed, such a meritocracy. What would be the position of Marxists and functionalists on this issue?

Reference no: EM132836388

Questions Cloud

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Identify and describe the core values of the agency : Identify and describe the mission of the agency, organization, or community. Identify and describe the core values of the agency.
What would be the position of marxists on the issue : What would be the position of Marxists and functionalists on this issue? It is often argued that American society is a meritocracy in which every individual
Compare sample characteristics to the target population : The most common sampling method is the convenience sample; therefore, many of the studies that you find for evidence use this sampling method.
Write an explanation of the health issues and risks : Overweight 5-year-old black boy with overweight parents who work full-time and the boy spends his time after school with his grandmother.
How would recognize psychological abuse : How would you recognize psychological abuse? What might be some of the reasons why parents psychologically abuse their children?
Enhance the competitive position of firm : We learned that flows of knowledge through industry networks benefit the technological outcomes and enhance the competitive position of a firm.


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