CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs Assignment

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Reference no: EM132836391

CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs - Victoria University

Question 1 List three strategies you may use to engage service users to provide information that will influence program planning.

Question 2 What are two strategies to ensure service users are supported based on their individual needs at all levels of program planning?

Question 3 Identify two strategies for consulting and collaborating with other service providers.

Question 4 What is meant by ‘multifaceted needs'? Provide an example.

Question 5 Identify two internal and two external stakeholders whose input into program planning you consider is important.

Question 6 Describe two different service-user groups that may have specific requirements that you may need to consider when developing a plan.

Question 7 What are two ways of formally engaging service users in management processes?

Question 8 Identify two strategies for integrating other service areas or providers into the planning process.

Question 9 List three strategies (one for each) that you can use to identify financial, human and physical resource requirements when planning.

Question 10 What is the name of the funding process used by governments in Australia?
Identify one alternative source of funding also used by community services organisations to fund their programs?

Question 11 What are two ways you could obtain feedback from service users?

Question 12 Identify a template tool that can be used to document a program plan and list its components.

Question 13 Who is responsible for communicating roles and responsibilities to relevant stakeholders when planning a new program and what are two methods they can use to do this?

Question 14 Who is responsible for governance of an organisation and how is accountability ensured at all levels?

Question 15 Outline the three key steps to follow to facilitate training for a new program.

Question 16 Describe the stages of monitoring a program.

Question 17 Identify two documents a caseworker may be required to maintain in the course of implementing and monitoring the program.

Question 18 What are two questions that need to be addressed when analysing and assessing the program's capacity to meet program objectives?

Question 19 How does evaluation feed into continuous improvement?

Question 20 What are two methods you may use to seek feedback from a partnership organisation?

Question 21 Why is it important to consider the policies of the organisation and the budget for the program when you are making program modifications?

Question 22 Provide an example of the risk, regulatory and sustainability requirements that you may consider when developing a program for people with disabilities.

Attachment:- Develop and implement service programs.rar

Reference no: EM132836391

Questions Cloud

What social norms were expected to conform : What social norms were you expected to conform to when you became a student at your college or university? Are they similar to or different from the norms
Describe the structure of a family : Identify the strengths in the family. Explain where in the life cycle this family is located and how that may influence family dynamics.
How a social worker might address barrier on an individual : How a social worker might address barrier on an individual, family, organizational, group, or community level. Provide a brief description of the family system
Describe key stakeholders involved with the agency : Describe key stakeholders involved with the agency. how each stakeholder can be an essential element for gathering information to develop the strategic plan.
CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs Assignment : CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs Assignment Help and Solution, Victoria University - Assessment Writing Service
Identify and describe the vision of the agency : Discuss whether the mission statement provides evidence of how the agency/organization contributes to the well-being of individuals, groups, societies
Identify and describe the core values of the agency : Identify and describe the mission of the agency, organization, or community. Identify and describe the core values of the agency.
What would be the position of marxists on the issue : What would be the position of Marxists and functionalists on this issue? It is often argued that American society is a meritocracy in which every individual
Compare sample characteristics to the target population : The most common sampling method is the convenience sample; therefore, many of the studies that you find for evidence use this sampling method.


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