What will do to get deadline to receive a passing grade

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132243


CS 136 Systems Analysis and Design -
Course Project -
You have to complete and submit course project previous to the deadline to receive a passing grade for this course.

For business requirements described below, please prepare-

1. The Business Profile
2. ALL levels of Data Flow Diagrams
3. A memo or statement to provide a brief description of each process in your data flow diagrams.
4. The Class Diagram
5. The Use Case Diagram
6. Entity Relationship Diagram.

Please create and document reasonable assumptions, if required.

Business Requirements-

XYZ Company sells computer equipment to federal government agencies. While a federal agency needs to buy computer equipment from XYZ, it issues a buy order against a standing contract previously negotiated with company. XYZ holds some standing contracts with a variety of federal agencies. When purchase order is received by XYZ's contracting office, contract number referenced on the purchase order is entered into contract the database. Using information from the database, contracting officer reviews the conditions and situation of the contract and determines whether purchase order is valid. The purchase order is valid if contract has not expired, the kind of equipment ordered is listed on the contract, and total cost of the tools does not exceed the predetermined limit. If the purchase order is not valid, the contracting officer returns the purchase order back to the requesting agency with a letter explaining why the purchase order cannot be filled, and a copy of letter is filed. If a purchase order is valid, the contracting officer enters the purchase order number into the contract database and marks the order as outstanding. The purchase order is then sent to the order filling department. At order filling department, inventory is checked for each item ordered. If any items are not in stock, the order filling department creates a report listing the items not in stock and attaches it to the purchase order. All purchase orders are forwarded to warehouse where the items in stock are pulled from the shelves and shipped to the customer. The warehouse then attaches to the purchase order a copy of the shipping bill listing the items shipped and sends it to the contracting officer. If all items were shipped, contracting officer closes the outstanding purchase order record in database. The purchase order, shipping bill, and exception report, are then filed in the contract office.



Reference no: EM132243

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