What type of research uses numeric measurement data

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM13732103

1. What type of research uses numeric measurement data?

2. What type of research uses a research hypothesis?

3. What type of research does not use statistical data analysis?

4. What type of research preempts all other types of research endeavors?

5. Business research is a type of ________________ inquiry.

6. What are the three main types of non-probability sampling used in business research?

7. In a situation where in a confidence level .01 what percent of the measurement results are left to chance?

8. What is the most important ingredient in a statistical testing procedure?

9. 9. If a production manager wanted to determine whether or not the first shift was processing more widgets than the second shift, what type of statistical process would be used?

10. What type of t test seeks to determine whether or not a relationship exists in one sample over two conditions? _______________

11. Which of the examples below represent the Ratio level of scaling?

A) A high temperature of 83 degrees Fahrenheit
B) A survey result that 24 students work full time, 36, part time.
C) Bill is consistently rated most effective communicator of his group.
D) Gallup says that 60% of the voters support the incumbent.
E) Pick up three pounds of ground beef please.
F) Patty acts as expected based on her first-born family position.
G) Seattle at an altitude of 67 feet is higher than Death Valley at an altitude of - 120.
H) The door is 37 inches wide, the door frame is 36 inches wide.

  • B, C and F
  • D, E and G
  • C, F and H
  • A, E and H

12. Select those issues that only relate to selecting a specific statistical test. (Do not select items common to all tests or not applying to statistical tests.)

The distribution (shape) of the population (e.g., normal, skewed, flat, etc.)
The measurement scale/nature of the data being evaluated (nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio)
The size of the population (assuming it is much larger than any samples)
The level of significance (_) you wish to place on the test results

Whether you have matched/related or unmatched/unrelated samples
The degrees of freedom (sample size) associated with your sample(s)
The statement of the null and research hypotheses
Whether the sample was stratified or not

13. Which of the following apply to Populations?

A) parameter
B) "Roman" letters, i.e.: x, s
C) A bounded, defined complete group (people, objects, etc.) having something in common to be described in its totality
D) "Greek" letters, i.e.: μ, σ
E) One or more subsets of a larger defined group, used to represent the larger group
F) 170 Republicans selected randomly from King County voter records
G) All Democrats in the state of Washington (totality)

  • A, B, E
  • B, C, D
  • C, D, G
  • E, F, G

14. As an student, you are designing a training program to help develop team cohesiveness in a healthcare facility. You have a before and after test which measures behaviors indicating team cohesiveness. For this scenario, which of the following represents the Null hypothesis?

A) H1: There is a significant difference in the teaming behavior before and after the training.
B) H0: There is no significant difference in the teaming behavior before and after the training.
C) H1: There is no significant difference in the teaming behavior before and after the training.
D) H0: There is a significant difference in the teaming behavior before and after the training

H1: There is a significant difference in the teaming behavior before and after the training.
H0: There is no significant difference in the teaming behavior before and after the training.
H1: There is no significant difference in the teaming behavior before and after the training.
H0: There is a significant difference in the teaming behavior before and after the training

15. The sole purpose of business research is to increase profit margins?


16. When conducting business research the investigator must make his/her opinions known about possible results?


17. When one is conducting business research the most important factor is developing a reasonable researchable question?


18. Business research should always begin with an alternate hypothesis?


19. The null hypothesis states that a difference, effect or relationship exists in a research situation?

20. The confidence level expresses the degree of certainty that an interval will include the actual value of the population parameter?


21. Calculation: The mean price of 5 items is $7.00. The prices of the first four items are $6.50, $8.00, $5.50 and $6.00. How much does the fifth item cost?

22. Calculation: The range of a set of numbers is 1,362. The greatest number is 2,172. What is the least number?

23. Calculation: The mean of a set of 7 numbers is 13. What is the sum of the numbers?

24. Calculation: Find the mode of the following test scores: 89, 78, 91, 82, 75, 89, 84, 95, 89, 93

25. Calculation: The mean of a set of data is 174.25 and the sum of the data is 1,394. How many numbers are in the set?

26. Calculation: The grade point averages of 10 students are listed below. Find the median grade point average.

3.15, 3.62, 2.54, 2.81, 3.97, 1.85, 1.93, 2.63, 2.50, 2.80

27. Calculation: Given the following raw scores, calculate the following values: Range, Variance and Standard Deviation, show your calculations:
Scores: 9, 7, 8, 4, 8, 8,7, 8, 9, 6, 3

28. A large mass of data can best be summarized pictorially by means of:

the range
a histogram
the frequency table
mean and standard deviation

29. For a symmetric distribution, the mean and median are

the same
always different
possibly the same, possibly different
insufficient information.

30. A distribution of 6 scores has a median of 21. If the highest score increases 3 points, the median will become

Cannot be determined without additional information
none of these

31. If you are told a population has a mean of 25 and a variance of 0, what must you conclude?

Someone has made a mistake.
There is only one element in the population.
There are no elements in the population.
All the elements in the population are 25.
None of the above.

32. Which of the following measures of central tendency tends to be most influenced by an extreme score?


33. Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency?

standard deviation
none of these

34. A graphical presentation may accomplish ALL BUT which of the following objectives?

Illustrate the amount of variation in the data.
Illustrate approximately where the mean is
Allow comparison with similar data
Will have the exact same shape regardless of what units are used on the axes.

35. A coach in a large high school thinks that ballet training will improve the batting performance of his baseball team. He decides to have a randomly selected half of the team take six weeks of ballet training before the baseball season begins, while the other half does not take such training. He will then compare the season batting averages of group A (those with ballet training) and group B (those without ballet training) by comparing the mean of group A with the mean of group B.

An independent variable is:
ballet training
batting average
runs batted in
the size of the school
the grades the players make in the ballet school

36. Word Problems: Based on the data set provided, provide a substantive narrative explanation of the process involved in creating the frequency distribution table and the frequency histogram. Provide as much detail as possible.

The following data represent scores of 50 students in an applied business statistics test.

72 72 93 70 59 78 74 65 73 80
57 67 72 57 83 76 74 56 68 67
74 76 79 72 61 72 73 76 67 49
71 53 67 65 100 83 69 61 72 68
65 51 75 68 75 66 77 61 64 74

37. Word Problems: Compute the sample mean, sample median X(M), sample range, and sample variance.

The following data represent scores of 50 students in an applied business statistics test.

72 72 93 70 59 78 74 65 73 80
57 67 72 57 83 76 74 56 68 67
74 76 79 72 61 72 73 76 67 49
71 53 67 65 100 83 69 61 72 68
65 51 75 68 75 66 77 61 64 74

38. Word Problem: Does the data set represent a sample or a population? If it is a sample, describe the population from which it has been drawn.

The following data represent scores of 50 students in an applied business statistics test.

72 72 93 70 59 78 74 65 73 80
57 67 72 57 83 76 74 56 68 67
74 76 79 72 61 72 73 76 67 49
71 53 67 65 100 83 69 61 72 68
65 51 75 68 75 66 77 61 64 74

39. Word Problems: The number of widgets produced by 9 employees in an eight hour shift is recorded as: 135, 120, 116, 119, 121, 125, 135, 131, 123

Find the mean number of widgets produced.

40. Word Problems: The number of widgets produced by 9 employees in an eight hour shift is recorded as: 135, 120, 116, 119, 121, 125, 135, 131, 123

What is the range of widgets produced given in the problem presented above?

41. Word Problems: The number of widgets produced by 9 employees in an eight hour shift is recorded as: 135, 120, 116, 119, 121, 125, 135, 131, 123

What is the mode of the number of widgets produced presented above?

42. Word Problems: The number of widgets produced by 9 employees in an eight hour shift is recorded as: 135, 120, 116, 119, 121, 125, 135, 131, 123

What is the median of the number of widgets produced presented above?

43. Critical Thinking: Two workers on the same job show the following results over a long period of time.

Worker A Worker B
Mean time of completing the job (minutes) 30 25
Standard deviation (minutes) 6 4
Which worker appears to be more consistent in the time he requires to complete the job? Explain.

44. Critical Thinking: Two workers on the same job show the following results over a long period of time.

Worker A Worker B
Mean time of completing the job (minutes) 30 25
Standard deviation (minutes) 6 4
Which worker appears to be faster in completing the job? Explain.

45. Critical Thinking: Explain the differences between longitudinal and cross sectional business research studies.

46. Critical Thinking: Suppose the manager of a plant is concerned with the total number of man-hours lost due to accidents for the past 12 months. The company statistician has reported the mean number of man-hours lost per month but did not keep a record of the total sum. Should the manager order the study repeated to obtain the desired information? Explain your answer clearly.

47. Critical Thinking: Explain why histograms and frequency polygons are used in business statistics.

48. Critical Thinking: Which two types of probability sampling are best suited for business research and statistical data analysis, and why?

49. Critical Thinking: What is the difference between a null hypothesis and an alternate hypothesis?

50. Critical Thinking: Explain what is meant by the critical value of a statistical value.

51. Critical Thinking: What is the difference between a t test for independent means and a correlated t test?

52. Critical Thinking: Explain the .05 confidence level.

53. Critical Thinking: How is a research question similar to a research hypothesis?

54. Critical Thinking: Describe each of the following statistical terms, and where applicable, define with the appropriate equation: Range, Variance, Standard Deviation

55. Critical Thinking: Give a brief definition and an example of the following:

a. Descriptive Statistics
b. Inferential Statistics

56. Critical Thinking: What does the correlation coefficient r describe? What about r squared?

57. Critical Thinking: Describe some of the issues or concerns (at least three) which would be addressed in deciding how to perform a statistical test of a hypothesis:

58. Critical Thinking: Discuss the implications of: magnitude (from 0 to 1); sign ( + or -); and probability versus causality for the Correlation Coefficient (also known as the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient).

59. Critical Thinking: Describe how you would develop a random sample from among students

Reference no: EM13732103

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