What social, economic, and political issues affected

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Reference no: EM133247614 , Length: Word Count: 6 Pages

Question - Commerce Generations Discussion

Description - Overview of The Generations - REVIEW your readings and answer the following questions:

Describe the Traditionalist Generation. What social, economic, and political issues affected this generation?

Describe the Baby Boomer Generation.  What social, economic, and political issues affected this generation?

1. Describe Generation X.  What social, economic, and political issues affected this generation?

2. Describe the Millennial/Generation Y Generation.  What social, economic, and political issues affected this generation?

3. Describe Generation Z.  What social, economic, and political issues affected this generation?

4. In your opinion, how and why do critical events affect different generations?

5. Can you offer some examples?

Reference no: EM133247614

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