What role did the state play in the reform movement

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131668010

Essay Question 1:

Name the nine geological units of Tennessee from east to west. What are the three grand divisions and their boundaries? Give the main rivers and/or tributaries that are included in the grand divisions. Where were the Native American entities located in the state before statehood and what treaties were designed to remove or open up the area for white settlement from pre-statehood to the 19th century?

Essay Question II

During antebellum (1820-1860), Tennessee's population and economy were explosive. Discuss political, social (religious and cultural), and economic factors that occurred, in Tennessee, during the period. Cite any important revenues, landmarks, and customs. What role did the state play in the reform movement of the time and who were people of interest that made the movement a success or failure? Also, give any intrastate differences that determined the growth or failure of the state during the period.

Reference no: EM131668010

Questions Cloud

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Demonstrates engagement with the course material : Write a personal mission statement that reflects your worldview and demonstrates engagement with the course material.
What role did the state play in the reform movement : What role did the state play in the reform movement of the time and who were people of interest that made the movement a success or failure?
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Demonstrate knowledge and understanding : To answer this question well, you will need to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following:
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