Can a coefficient of determination be negative

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM131668007

Question: 1. Explain what it means when a correlation has an r 2 of 0.72.

2. Can a coefficient of determination be negative? Why or why not?

3. If the level of significance is 0.05 and the p-value is 0.06, what conclusion can you draw?

4. If there are 15 data points in a set of data, what is the number of degree of freedom?

Reference no: EM131668007

Questions Cloud

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Demonstrate knowledge and understanding : To answer this question well, you will need to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following:
Can a coefficient of determination be negative : Explain what it means when a correlation has an r 2 of 0.72. Can a coefficient of determination be negative? Why or why not?
God people and delighting in the trinity : 1. Formulate an account of your anticipated work that draws on The Mission of God's People and Delighting in the Trinity.
Describe a movie : Describe a movie or something that describes you and why. What is my real self? What is my real self?
Develop an optimum service process flow for the company : Define one current service that you can enhance or is not meeting your company's desired objectives based on the goals outlined in the mission statement.
Testing the significance of the correlation coefficient : When testing the significance of the correlation coefficient, what is the null hypothesis? When testing the significance of the correlation coefficient.


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