What is walt henderson attitude toward work

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132375721

Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

An attitude is a judgment call. Everyone evaluates everything either favorably or unfavorably.

Whether judging an object, a person, or an event, people (consciously or unconsciously) develop a positive or a negative attitude toward that object, person, or event.

In this assignment, students should read the Walt Henderson case study and prepare a Word document (saved as a .doc) that answers the following questions:

1. What is Walt Henderson's attitude toward work?

2. What are the main components of Walt Henderson's attitude toward work?

3. If Walt Henderson becomes dissatisfied in his work, what is he likely to do about it: exit the organization, voice his dissatisfaction, remain loyal, or neglect his work?

4. What can Walt Henderson's supervisor do to insure his job satisfaction without endangering everybody else's job satisfaction?

Justify your answer theoretically and give excerpts from the case to illustrate your point of view.

Attachment:- Organization Behavior.rar

Reference no: EM132375721

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