What is the perspective of eternity

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Reference no: EM132394292

This essay should be between 1000-1500 words. Please select ONE of the questions from the list below, and make sure to clearly state the question you are answering at the start of your essay.

Please provide evidence(s) to support your idea(s).

Always argue for your points. Do not simply state opinions. you should always be careful to describe the opposing view as charitably as

Essay Questions:

(1) What is the ‘perspective of eternity', and what relevance, if any, does it have for the problem of the meaning of life?

(2) Are human beings intrinsically valuable? If so, why? If not, then what moral consequences does this have (e.g., does this mean that, say, cannibalism is morally permissible)?

(3) Is my moral obligation to help someone in need on the other side of the world exactly the same as my moral obligation to help someone in need right in front of me?

If not, why not? If so, then what moral consequences does this have?

-A full answer to every part of the chosen prompt question.

-Explanations in your own words that demonstrate understanding of the ideas.

-Clear argument structure that shows your reasoning for your positions.

(4) What is the difference between act and rule utilitarianism? Is either preferable to the other?

(5) Why does Kantian ethics hold that there is something inherently wrong about lying?

Is this a problem for the view, do you think?

(6) What do virtue ethicists mean when they say that morality is a matter of virtuous character? Are they right to emphasize the importance of character in this way?

Reference no: EM132394292

Questions Cloud

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